Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Getting Started with iMovie/iDVD

iMovie http://www.apple.com/ilife/imovie/
When you make a movie, you create a memory that will last forever. With iMovie, you simply arrange your video clips, still images, and music in the order that best tells your story. iMovie makes it easy to share your movies with your friends and family. Screen it on your TV, phone, iPod, or post it on the Internet

Using Magic iMovie
The fastest way to get started with iMovie is with Magic iMovie. Just plug in your FireWire camcorder, give it a title (optional), select transitions (optional), and a soundtrack (optional), and let iMovie do the rest. iMovie automatically rewinds the tape and imports your video from your camcorder, sequentially arranges it in the timeline, and inserts your title, transitions, and your soundtrack so your new movie is ready to play.
Tutorial http://www.apple.com/ilife/tutorials/imovie/im1-1.html
More on themes - watch http://www.apple.com/ilife/imovie/features/themes.html

iMovie Tutorial - Moving Video from the Camera to the Mac http://www.apple.com/support/imovie/tutorial/imovieTutorial_t1.html

How-To-Guides (pdf) http://education.apple.com/education/ilife/howto/
Filming with Your Video Camera
Connecting the Camera and Creating a Project
Getting the Right Footage
Adding Transitions Between Clips
Adding Music to Your Movie
Getting Your Movie Ready for DVD

iDVD - One of the best ways to share your movies and photos is to burn them to a DVD. A DVD can hold hours of video, thousands of photos, or a mix of both, so you can fit a feature-length movie, several short movies, and a handful of photo slideshows on a single DVD. Take a tutorial

Magic iDVD http://www.apple.com/ilife/idvd/features/magicidvd.html
iDVD has always made it easy to create beautifully designed DVDs. Now it’s beyond easy. With the Magic iDVD feature, all you have to do is choose a theme and select the movies and photos you want to include. iDVD then automatically creates a complete DVD, unified in design from start to finish, including menu screens, movies, chapter menus and slideshows. You have to see it to believe it. Want to join in the magic? Use Magic iDVD as a starting point and edit from there.

Links Rubric - iMovie Rubric

Other Tutorials
iMovie Tutorials from the Atomic Learning library, uses videos to demonstrate iLife Awards www.apple.com/education/ilifeawards/

- http://www.springfield.k12.il.us/movie/ Free downloads for iMovie
- FreeplayMusic - download free MP3 music clips
- http://www.sounddogs.com/ - free sound effects
- http://www.findsounds.com/ - free sound effects
- http://www.royaltyfreemusic.com/ - Royalty Free Music

RSS Feeds - Use in Bloglines or Google Reader *See Sidebar on this site - http://edcommunity.apple.com/ali/search.php?collectionID=1&order=recent&output=RSS

Do More...
Make a Screencast on the Mac -
Snapz Pro X is a screen capture application for the Macintosh created by Ambrosia Software, Inc. With Snapz Pro you can capture all or a portion of the computer screen, specific objects like windows, menus, and dialog boxes, or a series of actions as a QuickTime movie. http://www.ambrosiasw.com/news/. Requirements: Mac OS X.

I have use the SmartBoard software/recorder on the PC. http://www2.smarttech.com/st/en-US/Support/Downloads/default.htm

Math Movies samples http://coolschooltools.com/

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